
nothing but a G/it's all good in my hood

where to begin....

i guess with the daily grind.
work hasn't thrown any
curveballs yet.
except for a ball a little high inside called the 'swine flu.'
apparently one of the kids in our school tested positive for it.
though i think it was one of t
he kids downstairs
(i work on a floor that's a little isolated and english-only daily kindergarten with afternoon elementary and kindergarten lessons for kids from the korean kindergarten downstairs on the first 2 floors).
so we've had a bunch of kids just not show up and stuff since thursday.
but no big i guess.
i'm not sick yet so i'm still praying.
but work progresses as usual.

training is coming along okay.
except for the fact that i haven't the foggiest how far i'm running when i run.
i can only time things.

so i think the first kick-ass self-present i'm getting will be a....
garmin forerunner 405.
assuming the gps works here in korea too.
and i don't see why it won't.
i'll just have to email garmin to make sure.
i'm about to make a little training plan with info i've found on the interwebs
and datum collected mentally over the years.

the only tough part will be all the cold weather tr
since it apparently gets colder than donkey dick here in the winter.

ohhhhhhh lost.
this is the new balance for me.

it's a love/hate relationship.
i love watching the show.
sun/jin with a little michael thrown in have such a great story/relationship triangle.
and sawyer's character is unfolding so....so....greatly!
i love the way they're developing his story.
so much good stuff.
charlie's got good stuff.

and i can't wait to see more of hurley.
hopefully his stuff will be good.

but the hate comes from....
me being silly.
i come home after work.
either eat a little here or get something on the way back.
walk in the door.
and load an episode of lost.

watch it.
read some/study some korean.

it's starting to take it's toll.
or maybe tonight is just a peak on the wavelength.

but i'm starting to feel a little alone.
don't send pity.
if you read this as a cry for attention, please don't ac
t on it.
it may be one, but i just need to vent my thoughts.
see my words.
and i can cope on my own.
i can always manage a way.

i mean cripes.
the group on lost is (as far as i know through 17 episodes) 'stranded' on a freaking island.
but they still have each other don't they?

i definitely know i'm living on my own now.

what about the other foreign teachers at my school?
they're weak. straight up.
sorry if you're reading this tammy and kimberly.
i see friends on the weekends usually
but that's only the weekends.
and i have to travel to see them.
seeing friends on the weekends is like having a mini-vacation from my lonely life.

i know it'll get better.


i'm starting to feel a plus side from it though.
not only do i get to train without social obligations.
but the solitude is starting to kindle a fire.
somewhere. i can feel it.
and i see the flames to blaze soon.
in the shape of photography.
in the form of words.
by means of colors.

i only have musical input.
i've no melodic means of output being alone in a small apartment.
maybe i can save up and get a mac soon to help fix that.
that would open a few doors to old friends
(driggers, you know how 'the postal service' got their name?).

of course, i'm no artist for those who know me at least a little.
but i've got a lot of time on my own to learn, right?

if you'll excuse me, i've got......
nothing to do.

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