
the seoul international marathon

none of this 'update' business.
this post is about the big one....

the one that got away.

have you ever planned do something at least 6 months in advance and therefore mentally prepared yourself in every method possible?


well, take whatever answer you may have, and consider this next question:
on top of the thorough mental preparation, have you ever physically exerted your body for the duration of the same 6 months in endurance training?
pushing your body to points you never have before?


circle 'yes' for both for this guy.

okay. now let's imagine all the preparation......

friday 19 march 2010
(T -2days)
a normal day in the life.

saturday 20 march 2010
(T -1day)
my appropriate plans for excessive sleeping-in were abruptly shattered when i awoke up with a super stomachache.
(WARNING: it's about to get graphic and gross for a while.)
i'm mostly confused because i'm very slow in the mornings, but i sit on the toilet.
let's crap it out.

no dice.

ok. well, i try to go back to sleep.
let's try to sleep it off.

no dice.

ok, well there's only one other option.
let's throw it up.


i puke my face off.
in only one session.
a long, voluminous session.
but i'd prefer that to multiple hurlings.

hit the bed again.
wake up a couple more times for diarrhea.
dehydration quickly ensues.
fluids in my house are quickly depleted.
overall weakness sinks in.
cold sweats.

oh yeah.
and i'm supposed to run 26.2 miles/42.2 kms in less than 24 hours.

this reality deflates, becoming this sort of laughing possibility.
i'm in a serious fluid deficit, not to mention i can't eat anything.
by the time saturday is closed, i will have eaten 1 cracker and 5 pieces of cereal.

after much napping, sipping on water like a baby on a bottle, and excessive moaning, i go to sleep after coming to terms that....

sunday 21 march 2010
....the seoul international marathon....
....is now the big fish that got away.
she slipped through my fingers like sand.
and i watched each grain fall away.

simple as that.

backtracking my timeline, i believe i ate something bad friday night.
six months of dedication destroyed by a blindsiding bad meal.

just my luck.

so i spent my birthday feeling like mega crap. alone in my apartment.
upsetting, yes. but not nearly as depressing to me as being so close, yet so far away, from the big one.
or my big one right now in my particular phase of life.

here's how i get over it:
there are other marathons to be run (thanks in particular to you, kev).

tomorrow the sun will rise.
who knows what the tide will bring?



  1. dude, i can't imagine the disappointment since i've never attempted such a physical test, but i can totally wish that shit didn't happen.

    i appreciate the determination to find the next "big one". you'll kick it's ass when you find it, i am sure. take care, brother.


  2. That really blows. I know how long and hard you trained every morning, and on top of that, you work at Bandi.

    That said, you'll definitely get another chance. There's next year, and there are other marathons to be conquered. And for what it's worth, I don't think I could have even begun to pull off marathon training, and I admire your effort and adherence to your goal.

    On a side note, hangouts are in order.
