
god, send me dancers

oh lord.
grant me patience.
at the very least.

yesterday i went to suwon (a little ways away from seoul) to check out my school.
after getting lost and finally finding my school, i was suprised.
both in a positive way. and in negative ways.
the korean workers were pretty nice.
the other foreigners were nice.
the facilities were great.
they even feed us a lunch and an afternoon snack each day.

but there were like a hojillion kids.
and you might know this about me.
you might not.
but i've always had this diametric opposition to the idea of kids.
i've hated kids for some reason for the longest time.
either me raising a kid or even dealing with kids.
so i'm not sure why i even took this job.
but it's too late now.
i'm already here.

i mean the kids are all super cute and stuff.
but going to my school yesterday put me face-to-face with the actual kids i'll be teaching.
and i don't think their cuteness will outweigh the fact that most of them are beyond control.
maybe i'm a control freak.
i feel like i'm really not but now i'm starting to think it's situational.

i shadowed a guy for half of a day and i'm already griping/stressing out about my job.
my job i haven't started yet and won't for 11 days.

soon enough you'll be reading post after post of me either loving my job and the kids.
or me on the verge of korean fan death.
maybe a little bit of both.
only time will tell.

lots of love,


1 comment:

  1. yo, this is oh. I live and work in Seoul. And I have not heard anything from you :( Didn't I leave my cell phone number on your facebook? Oh, well, let me know if you'd like to catch up. Peace out!
