
missing your smile

and ain't it the truth.

another lengthy pause between posts.

i can attribute 7 of those days to a loss of internet access at my pad.
damn you, school and internet company for a miscommunication and incorrect billing address.
oh well.
just 7 slow days of my life. no big.

i've fallen into a funk, though, and i think that should receive the rest of the blame.
granted, 'funk' is not necessarily a narrow term.
i'll expatiate.
more and more these days i've become more and more content with sequestering myself in
my humble abode.
i find complacency in my solitude.
i'm slightly disinterested by my language exchanges.
i don't even study very much at my apartment.
i hardly go anywhere on the weekends.
i usually just stay here, run a long run, and dick around the rest of the time:
maybe read a little; sketch, doodle, or color some stuff; stretch; surf the web.
here's the most disturbing piece:
to be completely truthful, i've drawn away from girls, from some reason unknown to me still.
why the hell is a 22-year old, single, slightly athletic, decently intelligent male so resigned, especially in the realm of females?
i'll play the humility card and not exact any more.
chat me for me details.

the most powerful component to all of this, however, is my ex-affair, now full-blown, blind-love relationship with Lost.
it's just too intense.
nothing else in life brings as much spice.
it's like crystal meth, if i were to guess what it was like to expierence some crank.
i'm sure you'd rathe hear more interesting t
hings in my life other than lost.
i hate talking about it.
but now that i'm a young candidate for a hermit, i need somebody with whom i can talk.
and that is the blog.

i'm just going to write this off as a phase.
i don't want to get stuck in this rut and b
e too comfortable if or when i get homesick.
that will just make things that much worse and harder to overcome.
but hey, i've always said i enjoy a good challenge.

new things in life:
a pair of newtons.
dear lord.
such delicious shoes.
i'll expoud in my next s.i.m.t.u.

the tammy teacher countdown
this should probably be the most interesting thing in my life right now.
i feel secure in saying this because i doubt tammy will ever find this, with her severe lack of technological knowledge and networking
and if she did, she'll probably not be around me.
anyway, kim and i have decided to watch the clock tick as we move forward through time and space.
we so long for the day tammy leaves.
or i guess just the last day we have to work with her.
which is next friday, 11 dec 2009.
what a sweet, sweet day it will be.
i'm sorry, but tammy is just not the easiest person to be around.
once she leaves and our data is collected, i will share a list of tallies of minor injustices tammy has committed in a short, one month time span.
only 9 more working days.
we pray her replacement is any sort of departure from tammy.

the approach of winter
that delectable season is upon us inhabitants of korea.
and what a welcome contrast it will be (at least for me) from the mild counterpart of alabama.
one problem:
the running.
i've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.
look for more in my next s.i.m.t.u.

i needed that.
i can watch lost all i want, bu
t i sure as hell can't talk back to it.
or i guess i could, but the little bit of sanity i have right now is keeping me from doing so.

no Lost tonight.
i'm going to go read and study.

and i know i haven't talked to a bunch of folks back home in a while, but i will soon.

lots of love,


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